Costello Medical
surface area
Boston, MA
project Type

Repositioning a pre-pandemic office for a new tenant’s brand and culture

As Boston’s office market adapts to shifting workplace demands, many newly built spaces designed for one company, but underoccupied, are now being sublet to others. Costello Medical’s office fit-out is a prime example—transforming a space tailored for another tenant into one that reflects their own identity and workplace culture. Through selective renovations, we infused warmth, personality, and functionality to create a bespoke workspace that fosters collaboration, staff connection, and daily productivity.

  • Doubled the size of the lunchroom toaccommodate weekly staff gatherings, incorporating a mix of hospitality-stylebooths, dining tables, and high-top seating for choice and comfort.
  • Enhanced acoustics and aesthetics withwood and felt wall panels, along with felted light fixtures, to introducewarmth, texture, and sound absorption.
  • Reconfigured an underutilized area tocreate a new boardroom and an informal collaboration zone, optimizing the useof space.
  • Refreshed the overall environment withcarefully selected finishes and furnishings to add character and align thespace with Costello Medical’s brand identity.

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