Why did you choose to pursue architecture as a career?
I have wanted to be an architect since I was seven, when I was smitten with the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse at Disneyland. I still have the pile of childhood sketches of treehouses, underwater houses, houseboats, playgrounds, magic gardens, and other whimsical places.
The sense of whimsy has tempered over the years, but I still try to bring a sense of joy and of connection to nature to the places where we work or dwell - through building systems, materials, proportion, organization of space and haptic experience, light, and color. I also endeavor to integrate ideas of sustainability and accessibility within a solution to a client’s program needs.
What defines your 15 minutes of fame?
Like Ariane …. competitive sports! I was coxswain on my university women’s crew; in my freshman year our boat won the U.S. National Championships in collegiate and open fours.
What’s at the top of your bucket list?
I’ve always loved to travel - - to explore natural wonders, other cultures (the history, languages, buildings, gardens, people, and food!), so most of my bucket list is places yet to visit. Morocco/Algeria, India, Finland, Bali, Japan, and a handful of places in the U.S. too are next on the list…
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